The effects of long or short-term stress might include; suppression of the immune system, loss of confidence, anxiety, depression, physical pain and internal discomfort

I use a range of natural treatments from Craniosacral Therapy, to Hatha Yoga with Pranayama Breathwork and Chanting Meditation Circles to help with the difficulties that both physical and emotional stress can cause


Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy can help address pain, anxiety, help heal scar tissue following injury and give people strength to cope with an illness, condition, or disability

CST can also help release birth trauma, at any age, which can be held within a someone's system for a lifetime. Read more about CST 

Chanting Circles

Come together in a group, close your eyes and get lost in the vibration of sound.  We will be chanting to balance our seven chakras (energy centres)

Chanting works by combining sound, breath and rhythm and is an ancient practice to bring about a release from our daily preoccupations. Read more about Chanting Circles

Massage Cranio Combination

Massage works on healing from the 'outside in' and CST works on healing from the 'inside out' and is particularly helpful in combating stress

These two hands-on therapies compliment each other to help bring about a state of deep relaxation. Learn about the combination of Massage and Craniosacral therapy

Oneness Healing

Oneness Healing includes Deeksha (energy healing) and can help address trauma in relationships and the consequences of difficult birth

Oneness Healing is parent or spouse healing, the art of dealing with suffering, healers/therapists and help with manifestation and visualisation. About Oneness Healing 

Hatha Yoga and Pranayama Breathwork

Hatha Yoga and Pranayama Breathwork is a combination of specific breathing exercises, with gentle movement to harmonize mind with body

This guided class is easy to follow and suitable for beginners and also practiced yogi’s seeking the benefits to the nervous system of a slow flow practice. There are numerous health benefits.